Baby snuggles and baking cookies <3

It was an ‘up all night’ kind of night. Scarlett still has this cold and can’t seem to settle at night. So lots of cuddles and extra bottles last night 😊🍼
This morning Emma and I baked some chocolate chip 21 day fix cookies, which are delicious by the way. We cut the recipe by a third so it only made a dozen. Scarlett has been hanging out in the carrier with me all morning getting lots of extra love and cuddles ❤❤❤
Today is a day of chilling and food planning. I am starting Hammer and Chisel tomorrow and need to get my nutrition in check and get organized to make sure I get my workout done. Every. Single. Day.
I am not looking forward to before pictures but I need the motivation. I don’t mind my size I just want to firm up and feel really strong and fit. Having babies leaves its mark on your body in several different ways. All worth it though, not complaining ❤😊
The holidays were so much fun but I am feeling lethargic and yucky from all the extra food. I can’t wait to kick this feeling for good!!!
Here is the link for the cookies, I am using one from another bloggers site as I don’t have a direct link for the cookbook.…/fixate-chocolate-chip-cookies


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